A very early start to the day 4.30 but the first runners didn't get the gun til 9.40 and the last 10.55 :( it was freezing. Harder course than Chicago so we are very happy with times. Stephen 3.21 Richard 4.10 Wendy 4.38.
We have enjoyed being in North America for the World Series. Great tv viewing when we had time. There were lots of Boston Strong tshirts and posters at the Chicago marathon and even in Canada there is a lot of feeling that it is great Boston can celebrate a sporting event.
I have decided that living as we do in NZ has many benefits. Wednesday evening we had to endure a piercing alarm and intermittent messages from security as the fire alarm had been activated. Not very comfortable when you are on the 43rd floor and the lifts are no longer in use. Three fire engines came and found burnt food on the 44th floor - the only one above us :(